
Important decisions in the field of alternative energy
Articles / Why wind energy?
Why wind energy?

Today more than ever relevant environmental issues. The most main are: maintaining the diversity of wildlife , natural resources , reducing pollution of the biosphere . Gradually, people began to address these issues , as inaction on the environment is detrimental to humanity itself . Enough action was taken to minimize human use of exhaustible natural resources (which include oil and gas, coal). In order to save these resources began to use alternative energy sources.

Wind energy - the energy sector is the production of electricity from the kinetic energy of air masses in the atmosphere.

- One of the main advantages of wind energy - is that there is no effect on the heat balance of the earth's atmosphere;
- Wind power plants do not consume oxygen;
- They do not emit carbon dioxide and other pollutants;
- Possibility to transform the kinetic energy of the air mass at different energies;

From the geographical and meteorological point of view Kazakhstan is the favorable country for large-scale use of wind power. By expert estimates, the wind power capacity of Kazakhstan is estimated at 920 billion kWh of the electric power a year.

For today, the project "Kazakhstan - Wind Power Market Development Initiative " work has been done , aimed at the development of wind power in the Republic of Kazakhstan , including wind potential has been studied at various venues in the areas of the Republic . On 8 from them preinvestment researches were conducted. All of them were confirmed average annual wind speed (about 7-10 m/s) suitable for the successful implementation of projects. The project was designed "Wind atlas of Kazakhstan."